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ERIN  learns  FARSI

This project was born out of Erin's desire to learn Farsi better through singing Persian songs. Erin has been with her Persian husband for over 11 years, and in September 2019 their first baby boy was born. 


Erin has tried Rosetta Stone and a private teacher and is now committing herself to learning 10 Persian songs in an effort to get to know the language better. Since she has sung opera for many years, she regularly sings in other languages: Italian, French, German, Czech, Russian, Polish, Ukranian, latin, and Portuguese.  Though she doesn't speak any of those languages, she has gotten to know the language better through her singing because it was required for the roles or music she was contracted to sing.


Now taking on Farsi, Erin is excited to dive into not only the language but this entirely different musical style! Her plan is to sing at least 10 Persian songs. Follow her exploration of Farsi and Persian music in her YouTube Series: ERIN learns FARSI.

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